
formations Matched route

Route Parameters

Name Value

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /fr/formations
# Route name Path Log
1 app_accordeons_index /admin/accordeons/{contenu} Path does not match
2 app_accordeons_new /admin/accordeons/new/{contenu} Path does not match
3 app_accordeons_show /admin/accordeons/{id} Path does not match
4 app_accordeons_edit /admin/accordeons/{id}/edit Path does not match
5 app_accordeons_delete /admin/accordeons/{id} Path does not match
6 app_actualites_index /admin/cmsActualites/ Path does not match
7 app_actualites_new /admin/cmsActualites/new Path does not match
8 app_actualites_show /admin/cmsActualites/{id} Path does not match
9 app_actualites_edit /admin/cmsActualites/{id}/edit Path does not match
10 app_actualites_delete /admin/cmsActualites/{id} Path does not match
11 changerLocale /changer-locale/{locale} Path does not match
12 majFichiersTranslation /maj-fichiers-translation Path does not match
13 app_admin /admin Path does not match
14 app_addSection /admin/addSection Path does not match
15 app_addBloc /admin/addBloc/{ligne}/{type} Path does not match
16 app_addContent /admin/addContent/{bloc}/{type} Path does not match
17 app_editContent /admin/editContent/{id}/{type} Path does not match
18 app_deleteContent /admin/deleteContent/{id} Path does not match
19 app_deleteLigne /admin/app_deleteLigne/{id}/{pages} Path does not match
20 app_deleteBlock /admin/app_deleteBlock/{id}/{pages} Path does not match
21 app_deleteSection /admin/deleteSection/{id}/{pages} Path does not match
22 app_updateSection /admin/updateSection/{id}/{pages} Path does not match
23 app_updateSectionActu /admin/updateSectionActu/{id}/{pages} Path does not match
24 app_adresses_index /admin/adresses/ Path does not match
25 app_adresses_new /admin/adresses/new Path does not match
26 app_adresses_show /admin/adresses/{id} Path does not match
27 app_adresses_edit /admin/adresses/{id}/edit Path does not match
28 app_adresses_delete /admin/adresses/{id} Path does not match
29 app_blocs_index /admin/blocs/ Path does not match
30 app_blocs_new /admin/blocs/new Path does not match
31 app_blocs_show /admin/blocs/{id} Path does not match
32 app_blocs_edit /admin/blocs/{id}/edit Path does not match
33 app_blocs_delete /admin/blocs/{id} Path does not match
34 app_business_unit_index /admin/business/unit/ Path does not match
35 app_business_unit_new /admin/business/unit/new Path does not match
36 app_business_unit_show /admin/business/unit/{id} Path does not match
37 app_business_unit_edit /admin/business/unit/{id}/edit Path does not match
38 app_business_unit_delete /admin/business/unit/{id} Path does not match
39 app_carousels_index /admin/carousels/{contenu} Path does not match
40 app_carousels_new /admin/carousels/new/{contenu} Path does not match
41 app_carousels_show /admin/carousels/{id} Path does not match
42 app_carousels_edit /admin/carousels/{id}/edit Path does not match
43 app_carousels_delete /admin/carousels/{id} Path does not match
44 app_catalogue_index /admin/catalogue/ Path does not match
45 app_catalogue_new /admin/catalogue/new Path does not match
46 app_catalogue_show /admin/catalogue/{id} Path does not match
47 app_catalogue_edit /admin/catalogue/{id}/edit Path does not match
48 app_catalogue_delete /admin/catalogue/{id} Path does not match
49 app_categories_actualites_index /admin/categories/actualites/ Path does not match
50 app_categories_actualites_new /admin/categories/actualites/new Path does not match
51 app_categories_actualites_show /admin/categories/actualites/{id} Path does not match
52 app_categories_actualites_edit /admin/categories/actualites/{id}/edit Path does not match
53 app_categories_actualites_delete /admin/categories/actualites/{id} Path does not match
54 app_categories_formations_index /admin/categories/formations/ Path does not match
55 app_categories_formations_new /admin/categories/formations/new Path does not match
56 app_categories_formations_show /admin/categories/formations/{id} Path does not match
57 app_categories_formations_edit /admin/categories/formations/{id}/edit Path does not match
58 app_categories_formations_delete /admin/categories/formations/{id} Path does not match
59 app_certificats_formations_index /admin/certificats/ Path does not match
60 app_certificats_formations_new /admin/certificats/new Path does not match
61 app_certificats_formations_show /admin/certificats/{id} Path does not match
62 app_certificats_formations_edit /admin/certificats/{id}/edit Path does not match
63 app_certificats_formations_delete /admin/certificats/{id} Path does not match
64 app_contenus_index /admin/contenus/ Path does not match
65 app_contenus_new /admin/contenus/new Path does not match
66 app_contenus_show /admin/contenus/{id} Path does not match
67 app_contenus_edit /admin/contenus/{id}/edit Path does not match
68 app_contenus_delete /admin/contenus/{id} Path does not match
69 app_criteres_formations_index /admin/criteres/formations/ Path does not match
70 app_criteres_formations_new /admin/criteres/formations/new Path does not match
71 app_criteres_formations_show /admin/criteres/formations/{id} Path does not match
72 app_criteres_formations_edit /admin/criteres/formations/{id}/edit Path does not match
73 app_criteres_formations_delete /admin/criteres/formations/{id} Path does not match
74 app_home / Path does not match
75 app_industrialisation /{locale}/industrialisation Path does not match
76 demo /{locale}/demo Path does not match
77 app_formation /{locale}/formation Path does not match
78 app_digitalManufacturingServicesCms /cms/digital-manufacturing-services Path does not match
79 app_digitalManufacturingServices /{locale}/digital-manufacturing-services Path does not match
80 app_manufacturingERPCms /cms/presentation-erp Path does not match
81 app_manufacturingERP /admin/{locale}/presentation-erp Path does not match
82 presentationERP /admin/{locale}/fonctionnalites-delmiaworks Path does not match
83 app_baseOutils /{locale}/base-outils Path does not match
84 app_baseOutilsCms /cms/base-outils Path does not match
85 app_societe /{locale}/societe Path does not match
86 app_societeCms /cms/societe Path does not match
87 formations /{locale}/formations Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.